Videoita faneista tapaamassa Adamia
"Today in hmv store (Toronto) in autograph session,i gave Adam a notebook that Iranian Glamberts have written some notes for him.he loves it :) i told him i hope u can come to Iran someday,he answered me " ll happen" :* i love his awesome personality,his great way of behavior to his fans :*"
"today in much music when Adam was signing for me,i told him Iranian Glamberts love u,he answered me i love u ;) :* a couple of mitunes before this vid,i had told him this sentence again,he had answered me thank u :) i love him!"
ZM Online haastatteli Adamia
Listen - Adam Lambert
Polly caught up with Adam Lambert to talk about his number one album, being slightly hungover and shopping in Japan!Voit kuunnella haastattelun täällä.
MSN Entertainment haastatteli Adamia
Adam Lambert 'in shock' at being the first openly gay artist to hit number one in US
Flamboyant US pop singer Adam Lambert has made history this week with his second album Trespassing becoming his first US number one record, and marking the first time an openly gay artist has hit the top spot in American album chart history.
"I'm so excited, you have no idea. I'm kind of in shock," he told TheFIX in a phone interview.
"One of the great things about the album going number one this week is that it proves a point that music doesn't have an orientation, music is universal. And even though at times it does matter in the industry — marketing and all that — I would love to get to a point where it doesn't matter. I think this milestone kind of says that."
The 30-year-old 'Whataya Want From Me' and 'If I Had You' singer has had one of the most successful careers to come out American Idol (he was runner-up in 2009). His openness about his sexuality and boundary-pushing, often-androgynous image has made him a gay icon, but more importantly, a music icon.
"I just hope to inspire people to do whatever the hell they want to do. My biggest goal with my music is to try to liberate people, to get people to feel like they don't have to be one thing or another thing, and they're allowed to be and do what they want, with who they want," he said.
That's a running theme on Trespassing, which debuted at number 10 on the Australian charts this week. As well as co-writing many of the songs, Adam was executive producer on the album, luring big-name collaborators like Bruno Mars, Pharrell Williams and Aussie pop prince Sam Sparro.
The result is a confident collection of strut-worthy, funk-meets-electro-pop tracks (the title track, 'Cuckoo' and 'Kickin' In') mixed with dark slow-to-mid-tempo ballads ('Never Close Our Eyes', 'Chokehold'), anchored by the edgy persona the star's fans, who call themselves "Glamberts", know and love.
Among his many fans are the remaining members of legendary band Queen . Adam has already performed with them twice, and he'll fill in for the late, great Freddie Mercury in a series of live shows in the UK in July. How does Adam feel about stepping into such hefty shoes?
"Well I'm bringing my own shoes to the party! I think Freddie would like my shoes," he laughed. "My whole goal is really to pay tribute and to pay respect to his memory as an amazing vocalist, as an amazing showman, and a writer. It's very important for me to not get up there and start imitating anybody."
Queen fans don't seem to mind either.
"I think people are really excited to hear these songs sung live on stage. Of course there's always going to be a little bit of a sensitivity," he said. "For a die-hard fan, they might feel a little threatened by me taking responsibility for the song — but you know, it kind of comes with the territory."
If Adam has his way, he might be working with another gay icon in the most fabulous music collaboration ever. We asked him which Australian artist he'd love to work with — and it's a no-brainer.
"Kylie Minogue, that'd be fun. She's so cute," he said. "She's fabulous". Bring on Glaminogue!
It should come as no surprise that Adam, who's been with Finnish Big Brother contestant Sauli Koskinen for one-and-a-half years, is a vocal supporter of gay marriage.
"At this point it's about equal rights," he said. "I think you can disagree with it on a personal level, but people should have the equal right to do what they need to do and be protected under the law." Adam Lambert 'in shock' at being the first openly gay artist to hit number one in US
Classic Hits haastatteli Adamia
Jase, Stace and Justin's Podcast: 28 May 2012
Adam Lambert interview, Shortland St party, Temepara George, new phones, Pistachio Song and things that a husband should never say to his wife!
94.7 Fresh FM Freshtival 27.5.
Trespassing & Kickin' In
Broken English
Whataya Want From Me
Naked Love
Never Close Our Eyes
Koko esiintyminen
Video streaming by Ustream
Broken English
Whataya Want From Me
Naked Love
Never Close Our Eyes
Koko esiintyminen
Video streaming by Ustream
Tauko 30.5-10.6
Ajattelin jo ilmoittaa etten unohda, että olen 30.5-10.6 välisellä ajalla matkoilla ja en pääse uutisoimaan blogiin. Yritän laittaa tänne tuolta ajalta tärkeimmät uutiset jälkeenpäin.
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Six Flags Spring Fling konsertti 26.5.
Whataya Want From Me
If I Had You
Broken English
Kickin' In
Video streaming by Ustream
Video streaming by Ustream
Whataya Want From Me
If I Had You
Broken English
Kickin' In
Video streaming by Ustream
Video streaming by Ustream
FM Kirby Center esiintyminen 25.5.
Broken English
Naked Love
Trespassing ja Kickin' In
Never Close Our Eyes
Naked Love
Trespassing ja Kickin' In
Never Close Our Eyes
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Kuvia Saulista Näytös 2012:sta
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Iiiiikkkk smile! |
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Andy Cohen on WhoSay
Beth Ditto an @adamlambert are uncensored on Bravo at 11! #WWHL #getreadytobleep
Andy Cohen on WhoSay
Andy Cohen on WhoSay
Kuvat täältä.
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"Adam Lambert kommentoi Voicelle Queen-pestiä: Ymmärrän fanien vihareaktiot"
Adam Lambert kommentoi Voicelle Queen-pestiä: Ymmärrän fanien vihareaktiot
Adam Lambertilla on ensi kesänä isot saappaat täytettävänä, kun mies nähdään keikkalavoilla Queen-yhtyeen kanssa. Laulaja kertoi Voicelle ymmärtävänsä, miksi jotkut Freddie Mercury –fanit saattavat suhtautua nihkeästi tähden pestiin.
Adam Lambertille ja Queenille on bookattu tulevaksi kesäksi viisi konserttia. Laulaja myöntää jännittävänsä keikkoja, mutta odottavansa esiintymisiä innolla.
- Nuo keikat ovat iso juttu. En kuitenkaan aio täyttää Freddien saappaita, vaan tulen kyllä ihan omien kenkieni kanssa, Lambert nauraa.
- Toivottavasti siitä tulee upeaa, olen kyllä varma siitä. Kyseessä tulee ainakin olemaan kasvattava kokemus. Toki aina tulee olemaan kovia Queen-faneja, jotka saattavat vihastua. Kunnioita sitä. On kuitenkin yksi Freddie, eikä kukaan voi korvata häntä. Näillä keikoilla kunnioitetaan Freddien muistoa. Tarkoitus ei ole matkia häntä.
American Idol -kisasta jokunen vuosi sitten pinnalle noussut Lambert sanoo, että Queenin kanssa esiintyminen on ehdottomasti yksi hänen tämän astisen uransa huippuhetkistä.
- Tämä on todella siisti juttu, kohokohta. Mutta toki urani on täynnä upeita kokemuksia. Uusi Trespassing-levy on yksi sellainen. Olen saanut kokea paljon siistejä Adam Lambert kommentoi Voicelle Queen-pestiä: Ymmärrän fanien vihareaktiot
Metrolive haastatteli Saulia
HAASTATTELU Sauli Koskinen: "Vain Jenkeissä uskallan räväyttää"
Suomeen kesäksi palannut Sauli juontaa tänään televisiossa
Suomeen vastikään saapunut Sauli Koskinen antoi harvinaisen haastattelun koskien tänään (25.5) Yle Teemalla nähtävää suoraa Näytös 2012 -ohjelmaa. Mukana haastattelussa oli myös ohjelman toinen juontaja, radiopersoona Anni Hautala.
– Tämä on meille molemmille ensimmäinen iso juttu. Vedämme puolitoistatuntisen suoran tv-ohjelman tiiviisti yhdessä, Hautala kertoo.
Koskinen on samoilla linjoilla.
– Totta kai tämä tilaisuus on sellainen, mistä olen kauan unelmoinut. Katsotaan sitten, että mitä ovia tämä sitten mahdollisesti avaa. Mulla on paljon muutakin suunnitteilla, mutta siitä en halua puhua vielä enempää, hän sanoo salaperäisesti.
Juontajat kertovat myös pohtineensa, miksi juuri heidät valittiin ohjelman keulakuviksi.
– Yle lähestyi meitä, ei siis mitenkään itse haettu ohjelmaan. Nyt ymmärrän kuitenkin, miksi juuri meidät valittiin, Koskinen virnuilee.
– Mahtavaa, että Yleltä nähtiin meidän sopivan yhteen. Me ollaan molemmat tosi maanläheisiä tyyppejä ja meillä on kummallakin kuulemma hyvä tyyli. Ei me ihan fashionistoja olla, mutta wannabe kylläkin, Hautala jatkaa.
Vaikkei kumpikaan juontajista tunnustaudu varsinaiseksi muodin edelläkävijäksi, he kiinnittävät silti tarkasti huomiota pukeutumiseensa.
– Muoti on toki tärkeää mulle, mutta en mäkään kaikkia merkkejä ja suunnittelijoita tiedä. Kyllä mä aina kotoolta lähtiessä katson, mitä mä laitan päälle. Suomessa mä oon ollut vähän tavallisempi, mutta Losissa uskallan enemmän räväyttää, Koskinen paljastaa.
Pesukarhut juoksevat pihamaalla
Näytös 2012 -ohjelma ei ole ainoa syy, miksi nykyisin Yhdysvaltojen Los Angelesissa asuva Koskinen vierailee Suomessa.
– Kyllä mulla oli tarkoitus muutenkin tulla, joten sinänsä tv-lähetystä ei ollut vaikea sovittaa aikatauluihin. Mullahan on täällä paljon ystäviä ja perhettä, joten nään niitä nyt samalla.
– Totta kai sitä aina kaipaa sitä paikkaa, missä on koko elämänsä viettänyt. Mutta nytkin, kun olen ollut täällä pari päivää, niin tuntuu, etten olisi poissa ollutkaan.
Suomessa on hänen mielestään myös etunsa Yhdysvaltoihin verrattuna. Mies on aiemmin kertonut blogissaan, että hänen Jenkkikotinsa pihamaalla juoksentelee toisinaan pesukarhuja.
– Kyllä mä tykkään eläimistä, mutta jos ne jättäis mut välillä rauhaan. Suomeen on sen takia kiva tulla, että täällä ei tarvitse ainakaan pelätä pesukarhuja, käärmeitä tai hämähäkkejä.
Koskinen ei vielä tiedä, milloin hän palaa takaisin Yhdysvaltoihin. Hän on kuitenkin jo suunnitellut, miten aikoo aikansa Suomessa käyttää.
– Haluaisin käydä jossain mökillä, uida järvessä ja grillailla muutaman ystävän kanssa, ja elellä sellaista idyllistä suomalaista kesäelämää.
Mallipesti muotilehdessä
Juontopestin lisäksi Koskinen on lähitulevaisuudessa esillä mediassa myös toisen työprojektinsa vuoksi. Fault-niminen kansainvälinen muotilehti julkaisee kesäkuussa seitsemän sivun muotikuvat Koskisesta.
– Mun kaverivalokuvaaja otti ne kuvat Losissa. Sitten sain ne lehteen, ja olihan se iso juttu. Olin tosi tyytyväinen kuviin, ja odotan itsekin innolla, että lehti tulee julki.
Koskinen ei arvoitukselliseen tapaansa halua vielä kertoa, jatkuuko hänen mallinuransa mahdollisesti jonkin toisen lehden sivuilla.
– En mä pidä itseäni mitenkään mallina, mutta jos kuvat poikivat jotain, olen enemmän kuin onnellinen.Voit katsoa videon haastattelusta täällä.
Uusia kuvia
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Kuva Saulin blogista |
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"Adam's Outlaws of Love @ Helsinki Pride"
Finnbert-osastomme osallistui Helsingin Pride-kulkueeseen 2011 ja sovittiin että seuraavana vuonna uudestaan! Kulkueeseen voimme pukea päällemme Adam-paidat ja lakata kynnet viimeisen päälle ja olla koko kaupungin nähden niin faneja kuin vain kehtaamme!
Kulkueen jälkeen on puistojuhla konsertteineen. Sinne voivat tulla nekin joita marssiminen ei ehkä houkuttele.
Lisätietoa Pridesta:ätietoa saat täältä.index.php?id=15
"Adam Lambert YleX:lle: Olen ystävällinen kontrollifriikki"
Adam Lambert YleX:lle: Olen ystävällinen kontrollifriikki
Adam Lambertilta meni toisen levynsä tekemiseen kolme vuotta. Tällä kertaa mies tahtoi pistää itsensä täysillä likoon ja saada levystä itsensä näköisen kokonaisuuden.
American Idol -kisasta suuren yleisön tietoisuuden vuonna 2009 ponnahtaneen Adam Lambertin esikoislevy julkaistiin melkoisella hopulla heti kilpailun jälkeen. Juuri julkaistun Trespassing-levyn tekemiseen mies taas otti aikansa.
- Tällä levyllä olin paljon enemmän mukana, kirjoitin kappaleita ja vaikutin niiden tuotantoon. Meillä oli paljon enemmän aikaa ja pääsin oikeasti elämään materiaalin kanssa. Pääsin soittamaan niitä kavereilleni ja arvostamilleni ihmisille sekä saamaan heiltä palautetta, Lambert kertoo YleX:lle.
Mies myöntää olevansa kontrollifriikki - mutta ystävällinen sellainen.
- Tahdoin olla levyn joka vaiheessa mukana. Loppupeleissähän se on minun nimeni, joka levyn kannessa koreilee. Ihmiset, jotka levyn ostavan, olettavat sen kuvastavan minua. Tahdon, että levyä kuunnellessa oppii tuntemaan minut paremmin, siksi varmistin, että pistin itseni kokonaan likoon levylle, Lambert kertoo.
I’ll catch a Bohemian Rhapsody for you
Trespassing-levyllä laulaja on tehnyt yhteistyötä muun muassa tuottajaguru Pharrell Williamsin sekä laulaja-lauluntekijöiden Bruno Marsin ja Sam Sparron kanssa.
- Albumin vahvuus on, että se on tiimityön tulos. Vaikutin levyyn paljon, mutta sain siihen myös paljon apua ja musiikillisia neuvoja.
Kesällä Lambert tulee konsertoimaan Queen-yhtyeen kanssa itä-Euroopassa ja Lontoossa.
- Uskon, että tulen kasvamaan paljon tämän kokemuksen myötä. Työskentely ja lavan jakaminen Brian Mayn ja Roger Taylorin kaltaisten rocklegendojen kanssa on todellinen kunnia.
Lambert myöntää pitävänsä Queenia ja Freddie Mercuria vaikutteinaan.
- Freddie ei ollut pelkästään loistava laulaja ja lauluntekijä, vaan myös hänen läsnäolonsa lavalla oli ilmiömäinen ja ainutlaatuinen. Hänen vapautensa ja individuaalisuutensa inspiroi minua valtavasti.
Adam Lambertin haastattelu kuultavissa tänään Uuden musiikin iltavuorossa kello 18 jä Adam Lambert YleX:lle: Olen ystävällinen kontrollifriikki
IS-Tutka paljastaa: Tutka Roadshow saa jatkoa!
IS-Tutka paljastaa: Tutka Roadshow saa jatkoa!
Suomeen palannut Sauli Koskinen ja Tutka-kollega, IS:n toimittaja Katri Utula lähtevät kiertämään tällä kertaa Suomea.
- Sekoilemme ympäri Suomea ja tutustumme Suomen kesäkaupunkeihin, Sauli summaa.
- Ja samalla jututamme tuttuja ja kivoja ihmisiä, Katri lisää.
Katri ja Sauli kertovat Suomi-roadshow'sta lisää eilen Helsingissä kuvatulla Tutka-videolla. Kerro omat vinkkisi Suomi-roadshow'sta Katrin Kyttääjä-blogissa tai IS-Tutkan Facebook-sivuilla.
Uusia kuvia
Q102 Springle Ball esiintyminen ja haastattelu 22.5.
Kickin' In
Naked Love
Whataya Want From Me
Never Close Our Eyes
Kickin' In
Naked Love
Whataya Want From Me
Never Close Our Eyes
AOL haastatteli Adamia
Sama haastattelu pidempänä:
Adam Lambert Sessions: Glambert's 'Dark Side,' Plans for Fatherhood & 'Trespassing'
On May 15, Adam Lambert returned with Trespassing, the long-awaited followup to his 2010 debut. The album presents the "American Idol" alum as a man at odds, its first half a parade of electro-inspired party anthems, followed by a glimpse at Glambert's "dark side," a series of emotionally charged ballads, marking a collective departure from the decadent glam-rock that won fans over on "Idol."
Lambert recently visited AOL Music's Los Angeles studio, where he performed a selection of songs from the new album, showcasing his tremendous range, whilst trading jokes with his band. After his impassioned performance, we talked with Adam about his incredible journey from "Idol" contestant to pop icon, touching on everything from his relationship with boyfriend Sauli Koskinen and their plans for fatherhood, to the inspiration he's received from his loyal fan base. Lambert also opened up about the "dark side" of Trespassing ... the side he's previously kept hidden from his fans.
Tell us a bit about the album title and how you came up with it. Do you feel like a trespasser?
Yeah, the album title is Trespassing, it's the title track because, to me, the song "Trespassing," is like a mission statement. I wrote the song with Pharrell Williams, who is an amazing, great pop producer, and I felt like the lyrics of the song summed up what I'm about as an artist and as a person. I do feel like a trespasser, but not in a literal sense, because I don't think I've broken into any property recently. On a more figurative level, I feel like I'm very different than the normal dude. I'm pretty eccentric, and as far as the music industry is concerned, I feel like a bit of an outsider. There are times when I feel like I'm breaking new ground by breaking in. Hopefully this album let's people kind of see that rebel.
What was it like working with Pharrell? It's an interesting combination.
I was working with my label on this album, and when we started it was kind of going down a similar path to what I had already done, and I just wasn't feeling totally inspired by it. And I said, when I listen to these certain funk songs in my music library, it puts me in a good mood. It makes me want to dance, it makes me smile. I realized that I really wanted to make feel-good music and we started talking about some producers and knocking around some names, and Pharrell came up, and I thought, "Wow, if he'll work with me, I'd be totally thrilled." They confirmed it, I got to the studio and I thought "I'm not cool enough to be here, this guy is the coolest mothaf--ka out there." He's shaped pop and hip hop over the last decade and I was a little intimidated. What was cool was, after arriving at the studio and sitting down and talking with him, we connected on an intellectual level. He's so smart, and he's so big picture. We talked about the music industry and life and identity, and one of the main things we talked about, which kind of kicked off the song "Trespassing," was different types of discrimination, and fitting into the world and finding your own path. I think that's what "Trespassing" is really about. It's about saying "I know I may not be welcome here, I know I'm different and I know you're saying 'keep out,' but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm going to do what my heart is telling me to do and do it proudly."
Obviously a lot of great things have happened to you over the last year, you have a loving relationship and an album coming, but you've mentioned that you have a dark side, or dark half to the album. Where does that come from?
I think everybody has ups and downs. Everybody has their good days and bad days and we all have that little voice in our head -- or maybe I'm just talking about myself! Maybe I have voices in my head and everybody else doesn't, but you have qualities and tendencies that probably are a little bit masochistic. We all do things or say things to ourselves that aren't healthy. Maybe we're hard on our body image or maybe we're self-sabotagers or maybe we're doing something wrong, and then we have our good days, or up side. So I think the album shows both sides of that. I am in a happy place right now, I'm excited to be working and making music, I'm excited to be in a relationship, but I think in the past, I dug into moments that were lonely and I didn't have a great track record when it came to dating [ laughs]. I wasn't very successful. I kept going after the wrong kind of people and so I wrote about that on the album.
Interesting. So how has being in a serious relationship changed your music?
I think there's a certain amount of balance that comes with a stable relationship, and it feels good. When you haven't really had a lot of experience in serious, long-term relationships, you don't realize it's missing. I had a great time being single, and I found a lot of strength and courage in that, and individuality, doing my own thing and being my own person. That was really important for me to go through, but I'm in a place now where I can offer something to somebody, because of that time. So I feel like now there's this balance; I have me and all the things that I've worked out with myself and my identity, and now I can be a part of a couple, and it's a beautiful thing. I think deep down everybody kind of wants that. Maybe not all the time, maybe not for your whole life, but we all want companionship.
Do you think you'd ever like to adopt or have kids?
I don't know. I certainly feel like I should have the right to if I want to. I think kids are amazing. I wasn't around a lot of children when I was growing up -- besides my brother and I -- and I wasn't around a lot of infants until recently. I have a godson. Two good friends of mine have a baby, and he's amazing, and watching him from infancy to now -- he's still a toddler -- it's just like, it's amazing. It's amazing. Amazing to watch a child grow and to see things through their eyes, I mean it's so easy for them and it's so simple for them, and it's inspiring. It kind of makes you remember, you know what, it's really not that deep. Life can be this kind of beautiful, surreal, novel experience if you want it to be. And it's a beautiful thing to watch a child go through that.
That's awesome. So we're doing an essay contest where we're asking fans about your music and how it impacted their lives. Is there a particular artist who inspired you?
I grew up with Michael Jackson and Madonna. Those were like my king and queen when I was a kid. Those were the pop royalty, and then later I discovered Prince and I discovered Freddie Mercury, I mean those four kind of take it for me. Prince, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson and Madonna. It's a good round, royal court of pop music.
So then to perform with Queen, what is that like, and to what do you attribute your chemistry?
I'm really excited. I met the members of Queen at the "Idol" finale a few years back and. I've always loved Queen and when I found out about Freddie Mercury and first heard their albums in my dad's record collection, I was like "What is this?" Because I had been into musical theater and there's such a cross over, its rock, but it's so theatrical. A light bulb went off for me and I went, "Oh, so that's what rock n' roll can be." So I meet the members of Queen a couple years ago on the "Idol" finale, and then last summer they asked me to sing at the European Music Awards, and it was a beautiful experience. It felt very natural and I was just so honored that they asked me, and they thought that I could handle the duties. It's been interesting because there's some purists out there that are like, "there's only one Freddie Mercury," and I know that [laughs]. I agree. I'm just excited to pay respect to his memory and his songwriting, and hopefully we can bring this music alive again for fans of the songs.
Your Twitter fans are by far the most loyal we've come across. Every time we mention your name they retweet way more than anyone else we mention. To what do you attribute that? Do you know?
No, I don't. I have amazing fans and they are really passionate and they're very involved and I'm lucky. That's what you want when you're making art and you're a musician, you want to have people that are very into it. Making this album was definitely inspired by a lot of the desires from the fan base, you know. I saw music that they were responding to when I was on tour, which songs got them dancing, which songs touched them, and when I was putting this album together I kind of wanted to go further down that road. Having gotten to know them over the past couple of years informed the new material.
A Twitter fan would like to know how you feel about the nickname "Glambert." If you could come up with another nickname yourself, what would it be?
I like the name Glambert, I mean it fits, I suppose. Sounds like my name [ laughs]. I'm into glam rock. I don't know, I don't think I would pick another nickname. I will always go by Adam, I never had a nickname growing up, so there you go.
Another fan would like to know about your ideal date night. Going out or staying in?
You know, I do love going to a nice restaurant. I love good food and the environment of a nice, romantic restaurant, but I also really have become quite a homebody. So, I think my ideal night would be going to a nice restaurant, a little wine, a little dessert, and then coming home.
Finally, a fan wants to know a bit about the song "Underneath," off the new album.
Oh, "Underneath" is probably one of the more vulnerable songs on the album. Trespassing kind of has two halves; one half is very upbeat, fun, funky with lots of attitude and swagger and fierceness, and then the other half of the album does dive into what lies under the surface. "Underneath" is the song that is the pinnacle of that. It talks about how sometimes, even if I'm putting on a game face, or seemingly happy and confident, what's going on underneath might not be so much the same. I mean we all have demons that we battle, we all have stuff and baggage, and the song kind of addresses it directly.AOL: Adam Lambert Sessions: Glambert's 'Dark Side,' Plans for Fatherhood & 'Trespassing'
Kuvat täältä.
Never Close Our Eyes
Naked Love
Broken English
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