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Maininta PEOPLE lehdessä
Pollo Del Mar haastatteli Adamia
"The (Drag) Queen of All Media" Pollo Del Mar talks to "American Idol" alum and international superstar Adam Lambert about his upcoming album for GLOSS Magazine. In this teaser, Adam shares how being in a relationship has changed him. Adam's new album "Trespassing" comes out May 15, 2012.
For this interview in its entirety, visit http://www.GlossMagazine.net
Uusia kuvia
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Jimmy Kimmel Show 26.4
Koko esiintyminen:
Videot erillisesti parempilaatuisena:
Never Close Our Eyes
Naked Love
Broken English
Lähdössä konsertista
Lisää kuvia löydät täältä.
Koko esiintyminen:
Videot erillisesti parempilaatuisena:
Never Close Our Eyes
Naked Love
Broken English
Lähdössä konsertista
Lisää kuvia löydät täältä.
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Uusia kuvia
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josephllanes: “We had such a fun shoot with my old bud @AdamLambert today. Still the same sweet guy I knew.” |
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Adam Lambert:The release of Trespassing is just around the corner! To celebrate, we'll be premiering each of the 6 lithos included in the "Trespassing - Box Set" every few days (don't forget, the Box Set is available exclusively at Adam's official store)! Here's the first, we hope you like it! http://myplay.me/p2z |
IS-Tutka: Tippuuko Susanna Idols-finaalista?
IS-Tutka: Tippuuko Susanna Idols-finaalista?
Katri Utulan ja Sauli Koskisen Tutka-jaksossa pohditaan, miten Susanna Erkinheimo pääsisi lavajännityksestään eroon ratkaisevassa Idols-jaksossa.
Susannan lavajännitys pilaa koko esiintymisen ja siihen on tultava nyt loppu. Mutta miten se onnistuu? Kuuntele Katrin ja Saulin vinkit uusimmasta Tutka-jaksosta.
Ilman selkeää muutosta Susanna tippuu finaalista - ja se tarkoittaa, että Torsten Borg saattaa viedä koko kisan voiton. Siinä tapauksessa Torsten tekee ns. mikkosipolat.
Katri ja Sauli kehuvat myös viime sunnuntaina vierailevana tuomarina nähtyä Ruotsin Idols-tuomaria Alexander Bardia. Tällaista tuomarointia tutkapari olisi kaivannut koko Idols-kaudelle.
Ketkä kaksi haluaisit nähdä Idols-finaalissa? Keskustele aiheesta tutkaparin kanssa!
Uusi kuva Adamista
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Iltasanomien haastattelu osa 2/5
Adam Lambert paljastaa mitä mieltä on paparazzeista
Adam Lambert kertoo juttusarjansa toisessa osassa, miten hän suhtautuu paparazzeihin.
Supertähti Adam Lambert kertoo Ilta-Sanomien viisiosaisen videojuttusarjan toisessa osassa, että hän hyväksyy paparazzit osaksi työnsä varjopuolia.
- Paparazzit tulevat tämän ammatin mukana, supertähti miettii.
Hän ei myöskään syytä paparazzeja.
- Hehän tekevät vain työtään, ja tarjoavat maksavalle yleisölle kuvia. Jos ihmiset eivät maksaisi kuvien näkemisestä, niin ei olisi paparazzejakaan, Lambert pohdiskelee.
Hän myöntää, että paparazzit voivat olla kiusankappaleita, mutta niitä tulee vain sietää.
- Se pitää hyväksyä, kun tämän ammatin valitsee.
Adam Lambert paljastaa juttusarjan seuraavassa osassa ensi viikolla, että millainen tunnelma hänen tulevalla albumillaan on.
Kaksi uutta kuvaa
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POPDUST haastatteli Adamia
Adam Lambert on the Making of "Trespassing" And the Importance of a Good Cry
We’re one day closer, Glamberts. After nearly three years and more delays than we would have liked, Adam Lambert’s sophomore album, Trespassing, will be released on May 15. Taking control of a majority of the writing duties, Lambert collaborated with some of pop’s biggest names (Pharrell Williams, Bruno Mars, Dr. Luke, Bonnie McKee) to capture a sound that works well with his newfound funkier sensibility. Popdust caught up with The Glam One, who spoke about the recording process, the perfect activities to accompany his new tracks (hint: crying and partying both make the cut) and which songs we need to request at our local karaoke bar ASAP. Y’know, all the important stuff.
POPDUST: Complete this sentence: Listening to my new album will make people feel ___:
ADAM LAMBERT: Well, depending on what part of the album they’re listening to, it will either make them feel fierce and liberated, or kind of sad—in a cathartic, commiserating way.
What’s the meaning behind the album title?
“Trespassing” is one of the tracks that I co-wrote with Pharrell Williams, and after we finished it I realized it was basically a mission statement for what I’m about right now, as an artist, a musician and a person. It’s about breaking down barriers and rebelliously marching forward.
What activity should people engage in while listening to Trespassing?
The first half of the album is pretty up-beat and dance-oriented so I picture people out at parties, or maybe on the treadmill or driving. The second half of the album gets much darker and more emotional, so I can see people sitting quietly and thinking to it.
Who were you listening to while making the record?
I’m always listening to what’s current—Top 40 for the most part. One of the things we explored on this album was a funkier sensibility. I was really diving into Prince and Rufus and Michael Jackson, some of his earlier stuff, and then [into] kind of a ’90s world [with] George Michael and later Michael Jackson. There’s a little Nine Inch Nails energy in there, too.
How many times have you listened to your own album?
You don’t want to know. You don’t want to know. [Laughs] When I get involved in the project, I’m in and down the rabbit hole. I’ve been quite obsessed.
Are there any songs that your exes will think are about them?
Probably. [Laughs.]
Do you have a favorite lyric from the record?
There’s a lyric in “Underneath” that goes: “Welcome to my world of truth / I don’t want to hide anything from you.” It’s pretty straight ahead but that sums up the darker material: it’s very revealing. And then “Trespassing” has a lot of lyrics like, “Make their faces crack / There’s no turning back.” I think that’s part of that mission statement; I’m hear to open your mind and open your eyes.
How much of the album is auto-tuned?
I only use it here and there to enhance. I definitely don’t use it as much as some people.
Do you have a favorite button on the mixing board?
I don’t know what the buttons do! [Laughs] But I like delay on my vocals, I like when vocals are echoey.
What song from the album should we use as our go-to karaoke song?
I think “Never Close Our Eyes” is going to be a great karaoke song. That’s karaoke gold right there.
Do you have a favorite karaoke song?
When I used to go to karaoke I used to sing “Tell Me Something Good” by Rufus. I used to love singing that song. The other one I would do is “I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt. And “Open Arms” by Journey, of course.
While you were recording, how many times did you hear people mention Adele?
When I was working on this album she was tearing up the charts and it was kind of like, “Well, that’s the exception to the rule.” [But] there is no rule, and she taught everybody that. People in the industry always want to predict the trends, predict what’s going to work or not work, and tell you what you have to do. She relied on a great song and a great voice, so there you go.
Is there a “Someone Like You” among the tracks?
There’s probably something on there for a good cry. “Underneath” has pretty powerful lyrics, and “Outlaws of Love” as well.
So you’re in favor of a good cry?POPDUST: Adam Lambert on the Making of "Trespassing" And the Importance of a Good Cry
Yeah, I love a good cry.
Kolme vanhaa kuvaa Adamista
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IS-Tutkan yllätysvieraana Idols-Diandra!
IS-Tutkan yllätysvieraana Idols-Diandra!
Katri Utulan ja Sauli Koskisen Tutkassa on tänään vieraana Idols-suosikki Diandra Flores.
Yllätysvieraan kanssa jutellaan tänään siitä, millaiset välit kilpailijoilla todellisuudessa on Idols-talossa, millaisia muut jäljellä olevat finalistit ovat, kuka on Didin oma suosikki Idolsissa ja millaisen levyn hän haluaisi tehdä.
Didi kertoo myös, mitä mieltä hän on Idolsin ja Voice of Finlandin keskinäisestä vertailusta. Lisäksi Didi paljastaa oman Voice-suosikkinsa.
Trespassingistä eri versioita saatavilla virallisesta nettikaupasta
Never Close Our Eyes NRJ'n Hitti vai Hudissa!
Äänestä Never Close Our Eyes jatkoon NRJ'n Hitti vai Hudissa täällä!
Twitter Party 17.4
Twitter PARTY!!! C'mon ask me bout this album
Glad u all are feelin the track previews on itunes!! As u know, I worked hard on this album--- for all of YOU! :) thanks u all!
Banjee Boys And Dancey Girls get down!
“@andrea__DC: @adamlambert how this album different from the previous one?” you tell me :)
“@iDanLadd: @adamlambert What was the toughest song to record? #Trespassing” Underneath is a beast.
“@JennyRunsToo: @adamlambert How much of this album was written based on your real life experiences.” is this a trick question?
“@XxMusicLuvr18xX: @adamlambert Where do you get your leopard pants? Werkkkk!” hahha I think they're old kill city jeans
“@_Tayshell: @adamlambert what's your favorite song on it??” I love them all!!
@hmbscully not sure yet doll. :)
(In reply to @hmbscully: @adamlambert When is the TOUR to support the ALBUM? ;)
“@MrDomAvalos: @AdamLambert What's your favorite song off of MDNA? :D” gangbang I think...
“@_sheldor: @adamlambert What is your favourite song to perform?” live doing Trespassing at the NNN awards, excited to sing NCOE w my band!
“@BillyCharlesNY: @adamlambert how have you grown as an artist since your last record ? #XOBC” I think you can hear it in the new songs.
“@Rebecca0313: @adamlambert What song will be the most popular on the radio?” haha I don't have a crystal ball girl, ask the radio? Lol
“@Aquarius_Girl2: @adamlambert What COLORS do you associate with this album/music?” black and yellow honey. Caution....
“@HotLikeHarry_1D: @adamlambert how many songs on the album are written by you?xoxoxo :D” I wrote on 12 out of the 15 tracks. :)
@alexanderenrico it's Totally Banjee. I thought it was spelled the other way then a dear old queen schooled my ass.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
It's not the kind of slang one finds themselves SPELLING... More of a spoken term of endearment.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
“@NICK_COLOSIMO: @AdamLambert do you plan on writing a song with @LadyGaGa anytime In the future?” ask her... I'm down. ;) dat diva fierce
@ShadowGlambert to me, NCOE is about all of US. A community. A movement.
(In reply to @ShadowGlambert: @adamlambert Are u going to have a love interest in your new NCOE video?)
“@OblaBerting: @adamlambert did you mess with the sound board in the recording studio?” no. -engineers responsibility. I'm not qualified.
“@P0NDWATER: @adamlambert You were right about the wait” Awww thanks!
“@DELeonard: @adamlambert is engineering the music something you would like to learn?” maybe someday. :)
“@blakkrrox: LOVE ur natural beauty shining thru on ur Trespassing phase @adamlambert ~ Who's doing ur cover graphics?” Cherry Multimedia!
@ChrisVllds thanks buddy! :)
(In reply to @ChrisVllds: @adamlambert You know that you're one of the best voices of Amercan idol, i love your voice, your work and your songs)
“@joannalovesgaga: Who's gonna be the director for your next music video? @adamlambert” I don't know yet but it's gonna be epic. :)
“@Glambert0124: @adamlambert how did the word glambert get started?” I think the media started it during idol? I dunno
“@Canadian_Paula: @adamlambert What is the role of executive producer?” creative overview. Keeping everything within a cohesive vibe...
“@breathless2: @adamlambert did joy come in and change your vision?” yes Mary... Such Is life. .
“@MeganGlambert: wait............ @adamlambert is releasing a vinyl record?!” yes!! It IS going to be available on vinyl.
“@AdamzLoverDH: @adamlambert @meganglambert Sorry but whats vinyl?” hahahaha.
@Dsilb37 hell yeah!! ;) thanks.
(In reply to @Dsilb37: @adamlambert yooo brotha! "naked love" turned out awesome, super pumped for the album, great work!!)
Thanks Glamberts! :) gonna make some dinner now. #popstarsgottaeat
Glad u all are feelin the track previews on itunes!! As u know, I worked hard on this album--- for all of YOU! :) thanks u all!
Banjee Boys And Dancey Girls get down!
“@andrea__DC: @adamlambert how this album different from the previous one?” you tell me :)
“@iDanLadd: @adamlambert What was the toughest song to record? #Trespassing” Underneath is a beast.
“@JennyRunsToo: @adamlambert How much of this album was written based on your real life experiences.” is this a trick question?
“@XxMusicLuvr18xX: @adamlambert Where do you get your leopard pants? Werkkkk!” hahha I think they're old kill city jeans
“@_Tayshell: @adamlambert what's your favorite song on it??” I love them all!!
@hmbscully not sure yet doll. :)
(In reply to @hmbscully: @adamlambert When is the TOUR to support the ALBUM? ;)
“@MrDomAvalos: @AdamLambert What's your favorite song off of MDNA? :D” gangbang I think...
“@_sheldor: @adamlambert What is your favourite song to perform?” live doing Trespassing at the NNN awards, excited to sing NCOE w my band!
“@BillyCharlesNY: @adamlambert how have you grown as an artist since your last record ? #XOBC” I think you can hear it in the new songs.
“@Rebecca0313: @adamlambert What song will be the most popular on the radio?” haha I don't have a crystal ball girl, ask the radio? Lol
“@Aquarius_Girl2: @adamlambert What COLORS do you associate with this album/music?” black and yellow honey. Caution....
“@HotLikeHarry_1D: @adamlambert how many songs on the album are written by you?xoxoxo :D” I wrote on 12 out of the 15 tracks. :)
@alexanderenrico it's Totally Banjee. I thought it was spelled the other way then a dear old queen schooled my ass.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
It's not the kind of slang one finds themselves SPELLING... More of a spoken term of endearment.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
“@NICK_COLOSIMO: @AdamLambert do you plan on writing a song with @LadyGaGa anytime In the future?” ask her... I'm down. ;) dat diva fierce
@ShadowGlambert to me, NCOE is about all of US. A community. A movement.
(In reply to @ShadowGlambert: @adamlambert Are u going to have a love interest in your new NCOE video?)
“@OblaBerting: @adamlambert did you mess with the sound board in the recording studio?” no. -engineers responsibility. I'm not qualified.
“@P0NDWATER: @adamlambert You were right about the wait” Awww thanks!
“@DELeonard: @adamlambert is engineering the music something you would like to learn?” maybe someday. :)
“@blakkrrox: LOVE ur natural beauty shining thru on ur Trespassing phase @adamlambert ~ Who's doing ur cover graphics?” Cherry Multimedia!
@ChrisVllds thanks buddy! :)
(In reply to @ChrisVllds: @adamlambert You know that you're one of the best voices of Amercan idol, i love your voice, your work and your songs)
“@joannalovesgaga: Who's gonna be the director for your next music video? @adamlambert” I don't know yet but it's gonna be epic. :)
“@Glambert0124: @adamlambert how did the word glambert get started?” I think the media started it during idol? I dunno
“@Canadian_Paula: @adamlambert What is the role of executive producer?” creative overview. Keeping everything within a cohesive vibe...
“@breathless2: @adamlambert did joy come in and change your vision?” yes Mary... Such Is life. .
“@MeganGlambert: wait............ @adamlambert is releasing a vinyl record?!” yes!! It IS going to be available on vinyl.
“@AdamzLoverDH: @adamlambert @meganglambert Sorry but whats vinyl?” hahahaha.
@Dsilb37 hell yeah!! ;) thanks.
(In reply to @Dsilb37: @adamlambert yooo brotha! "naked love" turned out awesome, super pumped for the album, great work!!)
Thanks Glamberts! :) gonna make some dinner now. #popstarsgottaeat
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