BB-Tutka: Mikä on ongelmasi, Tanja?
BB-Tutka: Mikä on ongelmasi, Tanja?
Sauli Koskinen ja Katri Utula tykittävät taas suunsa puhtaaksi pian päättyvästä Big Brotherista. Kenen kuuluisi voittaa? Siitä keskustellaan tässä jaksossa.
Lisäksi kyytiä saa Tanja, jonka raivokohtaukset alkavat olla jo tutkaparillekin liikaa.
Tutkaparilla on vahva näkemys myös siitä, että Mikael ei saa missään tapauksessa voittaa tämänvuotista kilpailua.
Tanssi-Tutka: Tämä pari voittaa tanssikisan!
Tanssitoimittaja Katri Utulan ja Yhdysvalloissa viihtyvän Sauli Koskisen Skype-viihdepaketti käsittää tällä kertaa terävän analyysin tulevasta Tanssii tähtien kanssa -finaalista. He uskovat tietävänsä, kuka tanssikisan voittaa.
Onko se Viivi Pumpanen vai Jarppi Leppälä? Se selviää katsomalla Tutka-videota.
Entä kuinka paljon Jarppi hyötyy Duudsoneiden suuresta fanijoukosta? Siitäkin keskustellaan jaksossa.
Tutkapari kertoo myös mielipiteensä suuren ennakkosuosikin Jani Toivolan dramaattisesta putoamisesta juuri ennen finaalia.
Pätkä uudesta kappaleesta Get Over It
Kappaleen ovat kirjoittaneet Adam Lambert, Rune Westberg ja Zac Maloy.
ChaCha: Out and Awesome Gay Celebrities
Adam on neljäntenä ChaChan Out and Awesome Gay Celebrities listalla. Ennen Adamia on Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Lynch ja Freddie Mercury.
ChaCha: Out and Awesome Gay Celebrities
ChaCha: Out and Awesome Gay Celebrities
Twitter Party 27.11.11
Tweet by @adamlambert: Twitter party!!
1. Q: @NoAngelPF: @adamlambert Hiiiii!!!!! Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Polish off all the leftovers yet? :)
A: @NoAngelPF had a great thanksgiving w my extended family on my moms side!! Great food and wine!
2. Q: @DearJonasBrosx3: @adamlambert If there is any celeb,dead or alive, you could have dinner with,who would it be?
A: @DearJonasBrosx3 Freddie. Def Freddie.
3. Q: @GlitterLiz: @adamlambert You are pleased at the new album?
A: @GlitterLiz pleased?! I'm thrilled!!
4. Q: @ShockUhDeliCA: @adamlambert Pumpkin Pie or Sweet Potato?
A: @ShockUhDeliCA apple pie.
5. Q: @danzr4ever: @adamlambert what's your new style direction for album 2?
A: @danzr4ever you'll have to just wait and see
6. Q: @Glammy_nka: @adamlambert What´s your fav song from Velvet Goldmine? Mine is "Baby´s on fire" Do u like this song?
A: @Glammy_nka that's a great scene!
7. Q: @scorptwitr: @adamlambert did you go Black Friday shopping? ;)
A: @scorptwitr nope too much of a shit show...
8. Q: @Barbara_DJaxn: @adamlambert RT If you love your Chile Fans ♥
A: RT @Barbara_DJaxn: @adamlambert RT If you love your Chile Fans ♥
9. Q: @elisa_w elisa: @adamlambert RT if you love your Nebraska Fans! :D
A: RT @elisa_w elisa :@adamlambert RT if you love your Nebraska Fans! :D
10. Q: @TRONCHE_DE_BN: @adamlambert #Rt if you love ur french fans
A: RT @TRONCHE_DE_BN: @adamlambert #Rt if you love ur french fans
11. Q: “@xglitterandglam: @adamlambert Any books you're reading right now that you love?”
A: @xglitterandglam no ! I need to get something new on my iPad
12. Q: @Audsidol: @adamlambert Are you still recording or are the tracks basically at the mixing stage?
A: @Audsidol still actually recording a bit this week!
13. Q: No Question
A: Saw Hugo in 3d... Great film. beautifully art directed, great cast.
14. Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert What about some Murakami?
A: @ninagarcia huh?
15. Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert What about some Murakami?
A: @ninagarcia reading material?
16.Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert You were asking for some books for your iPad? I think you might like Murakami :-)
A: @ninagarcia ok I will research! :) thanks darling! How was your thanksgiving ?
17. Q: @FWPACdancer5: @adamlambert Me and my best friend, we're your biggest fans!! #glamberts and/or @adamlambert Please follow me and@mollyo2015 ! It would make our lifes! #texaslovesyou
A: @FWPACdancer5 nice pic!! :)
1. Q: @NoAngelPF: @adamlambert Hiiiii!!!!! Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Polish off all the leftovers yet? :)
A: @NoAngelPF had a great thanksgiving w my extended family on my moms side!! Great food and wine!
2. Q: @DearJonasBrosx3: @adamlambert If there is any celeb,dead or alive, you could have dinner with,who would it be?
A: @DearJonasBrosx3 Freddie. Def Freddie.
3. Q: @GlitterLiz: @adamlambert You are pleased at the new album?
A: @GlitterLiz pleased?! I'm thrilled!!
4. Q: @ShockUhDeliCA: @adamlambert Pumpkin Pie or Sweet Potato?
A: @ShockUhDeliCA apple pie.
5. Q: @danzr4ever: @adamlambert what's your new style direction for album 2?
A: @danzr4ever you'll have to just wait and see
6. Q: @Glammy_nka: @adamlambert What´s your fav song from Velvet Goldmine? Mine is "Baby´s on fire" Do u like this song?
A: @Glammy_nka that's a great scene!
7. Q: @scorptwitr: @adamlambert did you go Black Friday shopping? ;)
A: @scorptwitr nope too much of a shit show...
8. Q: @Barbara_DJaxn: @adamlambert RT If you love your Chile Fans ♥
A: RT @Barbara_DJaxn: @adamlambert RT If you love your Chile Fans ♥
9. Q: @elisa_w elisa: @adamlambert RT if you love your Nebraska Fans! :D
A: RT @elisa_w elisa :@adamlambert RT if you love your Nebraska Fans! :D
10. Q: @TRONCHE_DE_BN: @adamlambert #Rt if you love ur french fans
A: RT @TRONCHE_DE_BN: @adamlambert #Rt if you love ur french fans
11. Q: “@xglitterandglam: @adamlambert Any books you're reading right now that you love?”
A: @xglitterandglam no ! I need to get something new on my iPad
12. Q: @Audsidol: @adamlambert Are you still recording or are the tracks basically at the mixing stage?
A: @Audsidol still actually recording a bit this week!
13. Q: No Question
A: Saw Hugo in 3d... Great film. beautifully art directed, great cast.
14. Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert What about some Murakami?
A: @ninagarcia huh?
15. Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert What about some Murakami?
A: @ninagarcia reading material?
16.Q: @ninagarcia: @adamlambert You were asking for some books for your iPad? I think you might like Murakami :-)
A: @ninagarcia ok I will research! :) thanks darling! How was your thanksgiving ?
17. Q: @FWPACdancer5: @adamlambert Me and my best friend, we're your biggest fans!! #glamberts and/or @adamlambert Please follow me and@mollyo2015 ! It would make our lifes! #texaslovesyou
A: @FWPACdancer5 nice pic!! :)
18. Q: @PastaBaby: @adamlambert Adam, my sweet, you said you are changing your fashion perspective? Will there still be leather?
A: @PastaBaby but of course!!
A: @PastaBaby but of course!!
19. Q: @GlaMb3rt16: @adamlambert What's your opinion on Demi Lovato? :)
A: @GlaMb3rt16 great singer! Pretty girl!
A: @GlaMb3rt16 great singer! Pretty girl!
20. Q: @ElifVabay: @adamlambert Do you miss True Blood?
A: @ElifVabay yes I need a fix.
A: @ElifVabay yes I need a fix.
21. Q: @sutanamrull: @adamlambert TWITTER PARTY?!
A: @sutanamrull yes Mary
A: @sutanamrull yes Mary
22. Q: @jambajim (MTV guy): @adamlambert Last album/single you bought! Annnnd go!
A: @jambajim Rihanna!
A: @jambajim Rihanna!
23. Q: @sutanamrull: @adamlambert i'm losing my mind about your new magic!!! #beyondexciting epic realness!
A: @sutanamrull why thank you!!
A: @sutanamrull why thank you!!
24. Q: @8starz8: @adamlambert do you buy your music off of iTunes or do you buy the actual physical CD? just curious :)
A: @8starz8 yeah I buy digital on itunes. Easiest.
A: @8starz8 yeah I buy digital on itunes. Easiest.
25. Q: @sutanamrull: @adamlambert just tweeted me!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE HIM!!! no, seriously, I LOVE HIM!!! you are sickening!
A: @sutanamrull hahaha O M G
A: @sutanamrull hahaha O M G
26. Q: @liveyoung82: @adamlambert Any new additions to the backing band or the troupe of dancers?
A: @liveyoung82 of course there will be changes... New album, new line up. Naturally. :)
A: @liveyoung82 of course there will be changes... New album, new line up. Naturally. :)
Final Tweet by @adamlambert: Ok thanks guys!! Till next time...
(c) Adam Lambert fan club (epävirallinen)
IS-Tutka: Sauli paljastaa: Tällaista on olla punaisella matolla!
IS-Tutka: Sauli paljastaa: Tällaista on olla punaisella matolla!
Sauli Koskisen ja Katri Utulan viikoittainen Tutka-lähetys keskittyy tällä kertaa enemmän Saulin Amerikan-kuulumisiin. Sauli viettää tänään amerikkalaista kiitospäivää ja kertoo, mitä pöytään katetaan.Viimeisen viikon aikana Sauli on ehtinyt jo poseerata punaisella matolla kahdesti: sekä New Yorkissa että Los Angelesissa.
Sauli kertoo nyt, millaista on kävellä pitkin punaista mattoa ja miltä tuntuu olla satojen kuvaajien kohteena.
Tutkapari pui Tutkassa ytimekkäästi myös BB:n, TTK:n ja X Factor USA:n tuoreet kuulumiset. BB-voittajaakin yritetään veikkailla.
Charles Busch puhuu Adamista
Out: So, I know you wanted to meet Adam Lambert. Did you get your chance at the Out100 party?
Charles Busch: I met the peerless Adam. That was my whole goal of the evening. It’s easy for me to sit back and complain that there’s no one to replace all the greats, the stars that have passed. But when I saw Adam Lambert, I was so excited about it. He’s openly gay and sexy. It’s outrageous! Catching Up With Charles Busch
Adam Joe Zeen vieraana
Adam Lambert talks 'Joe Zee' guest stint, evolved fashion tastes, and new album 'Trespassing' -- EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS
Adam Lambert is ready to show you a different side of himself. Right after the singer exploded on the scene as the runner-up on American Idol‘s season 8, it seemed you couldn’t open a magazine or turn on the radio without hearing about Lambert. (Not, of course, that we’re complaining.) He was everywhere: the Idol tour, rocking the house with his performances, and stirring up controversy on the American Music Awards and in photo spreads.
But recently, our favorite glam rocker has seemed quiet. But Glamberts should fear not: that’s all about to change.
The singer went back to the scene of the crime as an American Music Awards presenter this past weekend, got down with Queen at the European Music Awards this month, and even tried his hand at reality TV again, shooting a guest appearance giving his one-of-a-kind style advice to struggling designers on the new season of All On the Line with Joe Zee, premiering Friday on Sundance (Lambert’s episode airs Dec. 9; exclusive photos from his appearance above and below). Not to mention he’s been prepping his next big album.
EW caught up with Lambert and he gave us the scoop on what’s coming next. Check out what he had to say about:
The Fashion. You don’t get to be known as the glam rocker for nothing, but Lambert’s loud fashion tastes may be quieting down.“I think [on Idol] I was really attracted to flashier, tackier fashion,” he says. “I think there’s a beauty in tacky fashion. Even some of the pop performers of the past decade, it’s real sparkly and flashy and I was trying to do my best homage to the late ‘70s glam rock idea, with the rhinestones and feathers, stuff that was as out-there and ridiculous as possible.”
And between reading the European fashion mags and growing up a bit, don’t be surprised if you see a slightly different-looking Lambert these days. “I’ve kind of started to tone it down in the respect that [my look] is not as flashy now. It’s still different and avant-garde, but it’s a bit more chic; a bit more designer as opposed to Vegas.” With all that passion, is there any chance Lambert will be starting his own line? “I’d love to work on my own fashion line, accessory line, shoes or something,” he shares. “[But] obviously right now I’m focused on my music.”
Still, Lambert’s connection to fashion made him a perfect fit to go on Joe Zee, an opportunity Lambert says was a real privilege.”[Zee] is such an intelligent, creative guy and we just hit it off really well,” he says. Lambert will guest on the show known as “fashion bootcamp,” assisting Zee and giving tough love to designers struggling to find their vision and voice.
The Music. As if anyone could forget. The “Whataya Want From Me” and “For Your Entertainment” singer is hard at work on his sophomore album, Trespassing, and expects it to be released early next year with the first single, the just-announced “Better Than I Know Myself” (which he promises will be upbeat) dropping next month.
This time around, Lambert executive produced his record, and started writing material last February. “The style [on the new album] is a little bit evolved,” he says. “I think the last album I was trying to update the style of the late ‘70s, early ‘80s with the glam rock and with rock music on a whole visually and aesthetically. I think this album is more in the direction of contemporary again. It’s fresh and it’s something people maybe haven’t heard before. Lyrically, it’s very honest and real.”
It may be emotionally real, but you should still be ready to dance. (He’s working with Nile Rodgers!) Lambert says he’s been seriously influenced by dubstep, as well as, surprisingly, the dance music currently being blasted on the radio. “I love Top 40. I eat it up,” he says. “We’ve been trying to take great songs and then as far as the production and the sonic nature of them, we try to give them a funk sensibility. I think it’s a really cool new sound.”
The Cause. And, of course, Lambert is also a role model for gay youth, making an “It Gets Better” video and appearing on the cover of The Advocate last month. Most touching of all? His new song “Outlaws of Love” is about gay marriage, a haunting and beautiful ballad he wrote in response to the hate he was seeing around him and in the news. “Love is such a beautiful thing,” he says. “When you’re lucky enough to find love it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world. And the particular challenge for gay people, and particularly gay men, from my perspective, is [that] monogamy and true love works. Because we are brought up in a society that tells us it’s wrong.”
“Outlaws of Love” deals with these themes of feeling like an outsider in a world that feels like it may be out against you. “I mean, it’s a tough life,” he says. “And contrary to popular belief, it’s not a f—ing choice.”
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