IS tutka: Sauli ei voi sietää tätä BB-tyyppiä!
Sauli Koskinen ja Katri Utula lataavat tämänkertaisessa Tutka-jaksossa suorat sanat usealle BB-tyypille.
Kaksikkoa ärsyttävät niin Ben, Amanda, Stefan ja Salar kuin Suvi, Terhi ja Tanjakin. Tutkassa selviää, kuka heistä laittaa eniten vihaksi.
Tosin kukaan heistä ei pääse tässä jaksossa helpolla.
Vuonna 2007 kisan voittanut Sauli antaa todella kovaa kritiikkiä BB-asukkaille. Hän ei itse pystyisi asumaan monenkaan nykyisen asukkaan kanssa samassa BB-talossa.
Tutkassa selviää myös kaksikon yhteinen suosikki.
Jakson lopussa puidaan muutama sana myös Diilin selittelevästä Mariosta ja kaikkitietävästä Essistä.
Ensi kerralla jutellaan sunnuntaina starttaavasta Tanssii tähtien kanssa -ohjelmasta. Kerro omat toiveesi tutkaparille Katrin Kyttääjä-blogissa tai Tutkan Facebook-sivuilla.
Video-Tutka: Sauli ei voi sietää tätä BB-tyyppiä!
Saulin Hollywood: Universal Studios
Sauli kertoo kahden päivän kokemuksestaan Universalin studiolla ystävänsä kanssa. Voit lukea Saulin postauksen täällä.
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@HelloJonte and I last night at Mustache Mondays! Fishy. |
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Performer Adam Lambert chills with artist Cody Bayne during Mustache Mondays at La Cita in downtown Los Angeles. |
Adam ja Sauli: Ihanin julkkispari
Kansainvälinen viihdesivusto laittoi ihanimmat julkkisparit järjestykseen.Brittiläisen lukijat valitsivat lutuisimmaksi julkkispariksi Adam Lambertin ja hänen suomalaisen rakkaansa Sauli Koskisen.
Sivuston äänestyksessä ehdolla olivat Saulin ja Adamin lisäksi Brad Pitt ja Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart ja Robert Pattinson, Justin Bieber ja Selena Gomez, David ja Victoria Beckham, Sarah Michelle Gellar ja Freddie Prinze Jr. sekä Jennifer Aniston ja Justin Theroux.
Vaikka kilpailu oli tiukka, Adam ja Sauli saivat eniten ääniä.
Hurmaavan laulajan ja sympaattisen tosi-tv- ja IS Tutka -tähden suhde alkoi viime vuoden lopulla, kun Adam tapasi Saulin ollessaan keikalla Suomessa.
- Olen rakastunut, ja se on hyvä paikka olla, Adam on sanonut Saulista.
Ilta-Sanomat: Brittisivuston lukijat valitsivat Adamin ja Saulin ihanimmaksi julkkispariksi You think Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen are the real deal
"Project Runway Season 9 - Adam Lambert" kuvia
Nina Garcia latasi facebook sivulleen kulissien takana kuvia jaksosta, jossa Adam vieraili. Jotkut kuvista ovat jo vanhemmissa uutisissa tai todella samanlaisia, joten laitan muutamia kuvia tähän ja loput voi itse käydä katsomassa.
Project Runway Season 9 - Adam Lambert
Lisää kuvia Muodin Huipulle ohjelmasta
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PHOTO : #ProjectRunway hosted a band for the first time. Music & design = great show #AdamProjectRunway |
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PHOTO: the making of a twitpic with @adamlambert @heidiklum and @michaelkors #ProjectRunway |
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PHOTO: Marc Mena (@marcmentions) was a very lucky one #ProjectRunway #AdamLambert |
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As you can see, @michaelkors, @adamlambert, @heidiklum and I had a lot of fun during the taping of #ProjectRunway |
Tällä hetkellä Suomessa on menossa 7. kausi ja jakso, jossa Adam vieraili tuomarina, on kaudella 9, joten kestää jonkun aikaa ennen kuin jakso nähdään myös täällä Suomessa. Yritän tällä hetkellä etsiä videoita jaksosta.
Saulin Hollywood: Ystävä
Sauli kertoo uudessa postauksessaan parhaasta ystävästään. Voit lukea Saulin postauksen täältä.
Twitter Party 20.9.2011 - Kysymykset ja vastaukset
adamlambert: Twitter party!!! Questions?
adamlambert: Taken at Burning Man! Note my glamorous trailer in the background!
Trishnz: @adamlambert Did being on Project Runway fire you up to have your own fashion label - after next album of course
adamlambert: @Trishnz I've always had the notion to design. Before guessing on p.runway. Gonna focus on my music first of course.
mackenzieejo: @adamlambert will you pleeeaaase come to indiana on your next tour? grin.gif
adamlambert: @mackenzieejo I came to indiana the last tour... Of course I'll come back. We filmed the DVD there!
styleandchiche: @adamlambert Any ideas on the album cover yet?
adamlambert: @styleandchiche yeah a few. original.gif
ravengirl57: @adamlambert In making this second album, is it always so unscheduled? In other words, are there no deadlines AT ALL?
adamlambert: @ravengirl57 deadlines and schedule come waaaay second to great music. I'm lucky to be signed to a label that respects and honors that original.gif
lambosessed: @adamlambert What kind of drunk are you usually?
adamlambert: @lambosessed a friendly, talkative one. wink.gif love ur avi. That was a crazy hallowEen
catalm: @adamlambert What was your favorite part about being on Project Runway?
adamlambert: @catalm the judges are reeeeally funny. On and off camera. Micheal had me in stitches w his wit.
LuvThaFunk: @adamlambert so I'm guessing Outlaws Of Love will be the only sweet slow ballad I've been craving? Will there be piano on it?
adamlambert: @LuvThaFunk you'll have to wait and see...
adamlambert: Twitter is actin up
SophieBachmann: @adamlambert Have you still a crush on Bill from Tokio Hotel?
adamlambert: @SophieBachmann nope... I found my love! original.gif
rainierstar: Is there anything else you can tell us about the album? @adamlambert
adamlambert: @rainierstar yeah- I love it! Some of it's really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me...
Hungarevival: @adamlambert What about your Illuminati status?
adamlambert: @Hungarevival haha they rejected my application. Not enough bullshit and mystery. Im too much an open book
jam2885: @adamlambert who was your favorite writer/producer to work with for the album?
adamlambert: @jam2885 One of the producers I was extremely honored to write with was @Pharrell Williams! Whew. I don't think y'all are ready for that!
TiiaTortilla: @adamlambert Anything you wanna say to the Sauli haters? The Adommy crays?
adamlambert: @TiiaTortilla nothing to say... All that chat is a waste of energy. Some Folks think they know my private life... Well they don't.
HannaBec: @AdamLambert Would u perform on X-Factor if asked?
adamlambert: @HannaBec of course! U think I'd say no? Haha
HousesOfCandy: @AdamLambert:What one element is making this your 'dream' album? BTW, can't wait!! XOX
adamlambert: @HousesOfCandy I think the production style is more progressive and forward thinking then in the past... I love electronic music!
adamlambert: I feel like I've evolved as a singer and as a writer in the past few years. Learned so much on tour etc... The shift shows
GlitterSkies: @adamlambert I think you should cover a Backstreet Boys song...
adamlambert: @ @GlitterSkies haha I sang enough covers on idol. All about new, original material now.
anthrogeekPF: @adamlambert Wanna get FUNKed up!! Are you exploring urban sounds with these new collabs?? wink.gif))
adamlambert: @anthrogeekPF sorta... yeah
meandmypixie: @adamlambert No pressure or anything, but if the album is gonna be released in early 2012, when can we expect a GNT2??? original.gif
adamlambert: @meandmypixie the Glam Nation tour already happened! The next tour ( prob next year) will have a whole new concept and name.
GlamourStar730: @adamlambert I hope the CD's not too Poppy. I dont like dance music
adamlambert: @GlamourStar730 i do
Sandishader: @adamlambert have you already started working on the concept for the next tour?
adamlambert: @Sandishader nope. lol im figuring all this out as i go. while its flattering you think i have it all mapped out in advance- i def dont!
2cntswrth: @adamlambert Do you still party as much as you used to or do you hang out more at home now?
adamlambert: @2cntswrth def been more of a homebody of late-- and spending lots of time in the studio too
adamlambert: POST GAY. look it up. sums up my views
rach_eva: @adamlambert it sucks to be told by OTHER PPL what should define YOU
adamlambert: @rach_eva yeah... but that is what the "Cult of Celebrity" is. its one of the downsides.
mogulmama: @adamlambert Was it cold at night in the desert- you guys were all bundled up
adamlambert: @mogulmama sooo cold. and the days were so hot. its like a survival rave
WildflowerGlam: @adamlambert Do you know why some people think gays are all the same? I mean straight people aren't all the same either, so why gays?
adamlambert: @WildflowerGlam why? ignorance.
Misty_Glambert: @adamlambert Summer or winter fashions?
adamlambert: @Misty_Glambert im a fall/winter fan. love jackets!
Kimkris: @adamlambert how often do you have to cut/color your hair?
adamlambert: @Kimkris too often- it grows SO fast.
TrueGlambert3: @adamlambert What's some advice to help get over my ex????? Please, I seriously wanna get over him because he's mean to me but I can't :\
adamlambert: @TrueGlambert3 distract yourself w a project. something positive and nothing to do w relationships. be productive and get your heart off it
yuki3sl: @adamlambert Do you believe in fate ??
adamlambert: @yuki3sl YES! Fate and Destiny are real! but you have to follow your instincts to allow it to unfold. we sometimes stand in our our own way.
adamlambert: Taken at Burning Man! Note my glamorous trailer in the background!
Trishnz: @adamlambert Did being on Project Runway fire you up to have your own fashion label - after next album of course
adamlambert: @Trishnz I've always had the notion to design. Before guessing on p.runway. Gonna focus on my music first of course.
mackenzieejo: @adamlambert will you pleeeaaase come to indiana on your next tour? grin.gif
adamlambert: @mackenzieejo I came to indiana the last tour... Of course I'll come back. We filmed the DVD there!
styleandchiche: @adamlambert Any ideas on the album cover yet?
adamlambert: @styleandchiche yeah a few. original.gif
ravengirl57: @adamlambert In making this second album, is it always so unscheduled? In other words, are there no deadlines AT ALL?
adamlambert: @ravengirl57 deadlines and schedule come waaaay second to great music. I'm lucky to be signed to a label that respects and honors that original.gif
lambosessed: @adamlambert What kind of drunk are you usually?
adamlambert: @lambosessed a friendly, talkative one. wink.gif love ur avi. That was a crazy hallowEen
catalm: @adamlambert What was your favorite part about being on Project Runway?
adamlambert: @catalm the judges are reeeeally funny. On and off camera. Micheal had me in stitches w his wit.
LuvThaFunk: @adamlambert so I'm guessing Outlaws Of Love will be the only sweet slow ballad I've been craving? Will there be piano on it?
adamlambert: @LuvThaFunk you'll have to wait and see...
adamlambert: Twitter is actin up
SophieBachmann: @adamlambert Have you still a crush on Bill from Tokio Hotel?
adamlambert: @SophieBachmann nope... I found my love! original.gif
rainierstar: Is there anything else you can tell us about the album? @adamlambert
adamlambert: @rainierstar yeah- I love it! Some of it's really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me...
Hungarevival: @adamlambert What about your Illuminati status?
adamlambert: @Hungarevival haha they rejected my application. Not enough bullshit and mystery. Im too much an open book
jam2885: @adamlambert who was your favorite writer/producer to work with for the album?
adamlambert: @jam2885 One of the producers I was extremely honored to write with was @Pharrell Williams! Whew. I don't think y'all are ready for that!
TiiaTortilla: @adamlambert Anything you wanna say to the Sauli haters? The Adommy crays?
adamlambert: @TiiaTortilla nothing to say... All that chat is a waste of energy. Some Folks think they know my private life... Well they don't.
HannaBec: @AdamLambert Would u perform on X-Factor if asked?
adamlambert: @HannaBec of course! U think I'd say no? Haha
HousesOfCandy: @AdamLambert:What one element is making this your 'dream' album? BTW, can't wait!! XOX
adamlambert: @HousesOfCandy I think the production style is more progressive and forward thinking then in the past... I love electronic music!
adamlambert: I feel like I've evolved as a singer and as a writer in the past few years. Learned so much on tour etc... The shift shows
GlitterSkies: @adamlambert I think you should cover a Backstreet Boys song...
adamlambert: @ @GlitterSkies haha I sang enough covers on idol. All about new, original material now.
anthrogeekPF: @adamlambert Wanna get FUNKed up!! Are you exploring urban sounds with these new collabs?? wink.gif))
adamlambert: @anthrogeekPF sorta... yeah
meandmypixie: @adamlambert No pressure or anything, but if the album is gonna be released in early 2012, when can we expect a GNT2??? original.gif
adamlambert: @meandmypixie the Glam Nation tour already happened! The next tour ( prob next year) will have a whole new concept and name.
GlamourStar730: @adamlambert I hope the CD's not too Poppy. I dont like dance music
adamlambert: @GlamourStar730 i do
Sandishader: @adamlambert have you already started working on the concept for the next tour?
adamlambert: @Sandishader nope. lol im figuring all this out as i go. while its flattering you think i have it all mapped out in advance- i def dont!
2cntswrth: @adamlambert Do you still party as much as you used to or do you hang out more at home now?
adamlambert: @2cntswrth def been more of a homebody of late-- and spending lots of time in the studio too
adamlambert: POST GAY. look it up. sums up my views
rach_eva: @adamlambert it sucks to be told by OTHER PPL what should define YOU
adamlambert: @rach_eva yeah... but that is what the "Cult of Celebrity" is. its one of the downsides.
mogulmama: @adamlambert Was it cold at night in the desert- you guys were all bundled up
adamlambert: @mogulmama sooo cold. and the days were so hot. its like a survival rave
WildflowerGlam: @adamlambert Do you know why some people think gays are all the same? I mean straight people aren't all the same either, so why gays?
adamlambert: @WildflowerGlam why? ignorance.
Misty_Glambert: @adamlambert Summer or winter fashions?
adamlambert: @Misty_Glambert im a fall/winter fan. love jackets!
Kimkris: @adamlambert how often do you have to cut/color your hair?
adamlambert: @Kimkris too often- it grows SO fast.
TrueGlambert3: @adamlambert What's some advice to help get over my ex????? Please, I seriously wanna get over him because he's mean to me but I can't :\
adamlambert: @TrueGlambert3 distract yourself w a project. something positive and nothing to do w relationships. be productive and get your heart off it
yuki3sl: @adamlambert Do you believe in fate ??
adamlambert: @yuki3sl YES! Fate and Destiny are real! but you have to follow your instincts to allow it to unfold. we sometimes stand in our our own way.
Majors & Minors kilpailija Cameron DeFaria puhuu Adamista
F: Do you have any favorite moments you could tell us about, up to this point?
CD: I would probably have to say when we were working with Alex on choreography. We were just doing a normal rehearsal when Evan came in. He told us that we were gonnna focus a little on stage presence and that he thought he had someone that could help us with it. He called for him and ADAM LAMBERT came through the door. I respect this guy so much for putting himself out there and doing what he does. It was such a cool moment working with Adam on stage presence. I even got to play guitar for him when he sang to us. It was pretty insane. He is such an individual and Im glad that I had that chance. Majors and Minors: Meet Cameron DeFaria
Adam Muodin Huipulle tuomareiden kanssa
PHOTO: Here I am with next week's #ProjectRunway guest judge @adamlambert. I LOVE him.

Nina Garcia on WhoSay

Nina Garcia on WhoSay
ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert New Music Next Month
Hey guys, welcome back to ClevverMusic, I'm Bridget Daly in Hollywood. Well I have great news for you Glamberts! Adam Lambert is coming out with new music, and really soon! Adam has been busy working on his second album and tweeted out some deets yesterday that the first single is coming in October. He said, "I'm working hard this week and next to finish up all these amazing new tunes! Thank you all for staying patient... I'm excited too!
He added, "I'm 90% sure the first single will be out next month (ish) album coming early 2012! ... There is still lots of work to be done but I promise: you won't be disappointed!" Pretty exciting that we finally have a timeline, but we know lots of people will be disappointed since there were rumors the album was coming in November. But if you remember, he DID clear those up saying, "release date is not yet set... It has to be perfect for all of you, so I'm taking my time. :)" So at least we'll have a single to look forward to in just a few weeks! Let us know if you're looking forward to new Lambert music. And subscribe to CLevverMusic to stay posted on more info. See ya next time.
Video-Tutka: Oho, nämä tanssitähdet menevät finaaliin!
Ketkä ovat vahvoilla tämänvuotisessa Tanssii tähtien kanssa -kisassa? Ilta-Sanomien tutkapari Katri Utula ja Sauli Koskinen pohtii asiaa, sillä Katrilla on tuoretta tietoa tanssitreeneistä.
Hieman yllättävätkin tahot treenaavat nyt niin kovin, että siitä voi jo päätellä, kuka pärjää jatkossa hyvin.
Big Brother puhuttaa myös, sillä myrskyn lähestyessä suurin osa porukasta istuu ulkona ja Ben nauttii neljän tytön seurasta sisällä talossa. Beniin ihastunut Amanda saa tutkaparilta kritiikkiä.
Video-Tutka: Oho, nämä tanssitähdet menevät finaaliin!
Adam ja Sauli Burning Man festivaaleilla
Sauli laittoi blogiinsa kuvia hänestä ja Adamista Burning Man festivaaleilla.
Saulin Hollywood: Burning Man
Saulin Hollywood: Burning Man
For Your Entertainment: Vuoden kansainvälinen moderni Pop-Rock albumi
Adamin albumi For Your Entertainment voitti Unkarialaisen Vuoden kansainvälisen modernin Pop-Rock albumin musiikki palkinnon.
Adam on kohdassa 1:27
Adam on kohdassa 1:27
IS tutka: Mitä Sauli teki Nevadan autiomaassa?
Ilta-Sanomien tutkapari Katri Utula ja Sauli Koskinen purkaa tämänvuotisen Big Brother -ohjelman ongelman: Miksi sitä ei jaksa katsoa?Puheenaiheita riittää myös Tanssii tähtien kanssa -kilpailijoita ja Kuorosodan kuoronjohtajista. Kuka nousee TTK:n suosikiksi, vai nouseeko kukaan?
Miksi Lordi lähti mukaan Kuorosotaan?
Sauli kertoo myös, miksi hän on yltäpäältä hiekassa. Hän palasi juuri viikon reissulta Nevadan autiomaahan. Katso, mitä Sauli teki Nevadassa!
Video-Tutka: Mitä Sauli teki Nevadan autiomaassa?
Charity Water kiittää Glamberteja
Charity: water staff made this video for the Glamberts, to thank them for breaking mycharity: water records by supporting Adam Lambert's birthday campaign for clean water.
From Charity: water staff:
Glamberts! It's charity: water's fifth birthday. But the celebration isn't about us -- it's about you. You've joined our mission to end the water crisis. You supported our cause. You've inspired us.
So we want to say thanks.
In five years, charity: water has funded enough water projects to give more than two million people clean water to drink.
We never could have gotten this far without you. Thank you.
From Charity: water staff:
Glamberts! It's charity: water's fifth birthday. But the celebration isn't about us -- it's about you. You've joined our mission to end the water crisis. You supported our cause. You've inspired us.
So we want to say thanks.
In five years, charity: water has funded enough water projects to give more than two million people clean water to drink.
We never could have gotten this far without you. Thank you.
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