IS-Tutka: Varokaa ylimielisyyttä, laulajat!
IS-Tutka: Varokaa ylimielisyyttä, laulajat!
Saulin ja Katrin Tutkassa ihmetellään, miksi Voice of Finlandin valmentajat eivät puutu joiden laulajien liialliseen itsensä korostamiseen.
Viime viikollakin jatkoon meni kaksi tyyppiä, jotka eivät antaneet kaksintaisteluparilleen hetkeäkään omaa show-aikaa. Liiasta yrittämisestä ja tyrkyttämisestä ei kuitenkaan huomauteltu.
Kiinnititkö itse asiaan huomiota? Kerro mielipiteesi Voice of Finlandin kaksintaistelupareista kommenttikentässä tai Katrin Kyttääjä-blogissa.
Katri ja Sauli pohtivat myös sitä, ketkä ovat vahvoilla tämänvuotisessa Idols-finaalissa. Tutkaparilla on myös vahva veikkaus siitä, kuka voittaa tämänvuotisen Idolsin.
Kolme vanhaa videota vuodelta 2005
A live performance from Yitzhak Rabin's (the late prime minister of Israel) "Celebration of Life" concert 2005.
Oscar-Tutka: Sauli kertoo kaiken Elton Johnin bileistä!
Oscar-Tutka: Sauli kertoo kaiken Elton Johnin bileistä!
Sauli Koskinen kertoo nyt tutkaparilleen Katri Utulalle, millainen oli Hollywoodin superilta Katy Perryn, Heidi Klumin ja Miley Cyruksen seurassa.
Elton Johnin pöydässä istuneella Saulilla riittää kerrottavaa itse juhlapaikasta aina vieraisiin ja heidän käytökseensä ja pukeutumiseensa asti.
Mitä Sauli jutteli Katy Perryn kanssa? Millainen tyyppi Elton John on? Miltä Heidi Klum näyttää livenä? Millaiselta Miley Cyruksen upea puku näytti vierestä katsottuna?
Elton Johnin Oscar-bileissä nähtiin myös mm. Gwen Stefani ja Kelly Osbourne.
Katri ja Sauli analysoivat myös muiden naisnäyttelijöiden pukuluomuksia sekä Oscar-illan voittajia.
Katso Tutka ja kuule, millaista Hollywoodin Oscar-tunnelmassa oikeasti on!
Which would Adam give up first, eyeliner or hair gel?
Kummasta Adam luopuisi ensimmäisenä, kajalista vai hiusgeelistä? Voit katsoa vastauksen täällä.
Poplick haastattelu
Translation of interview with Danish magazine Poplick.
This is a fairly rough translation of the interview. There isn’t any new information. The interviewer has a very specific style of writing, which is slightly ironic/pop smart, but I have probably managed to mangle that up completely.
[First off, Adam is mentioned in the editorial on the index page]
It is so trivial to talk about the weather but I’m going to do so anyway, because it came close to cancelling this edition’s front page. The night before my interview with the glam idol Adam Lambert I was horrified to read on his Twitter that he had a fever. That the damned Scandinavian ice-winter had caught up with the American pop star’s delicate health. What now? Would he cancel in the 11th hour?
Luckily not. Adam Lambert handled the fever and the subsequent cold as a man and did not seem ill in any way when I sat down with him. On the contrary, he was friendly, engaged and ready to be bombarded with my questions about sexuality, scandals, and, of course, his new album. Which I, after having heard the first couple of tracks, feel confident will throw some warm pop-love all over this cold season.
[Yada yada – talking about the cold and other features in the magazine]
No more talk about the cold. If we ignore it, it might disappear. Until then, take it like a man – like Adam.
[The interviewer is also the editor of the magazine, Kristian Dam Nygaard (KDN)]
[The black box on the first page of the interview is titled Glambert for beginners and is a short fact box of birth date and sales stats]
“I have many fans who cannot deal with the fact that I am gay”
He was the favourite to win American Idol. But in the middle of the show he was caught kissing a man. And then he only got to second place in God’s own, uptight, country. Today the winner is forgotten while Adam Lambert has rocketed to become an icon for a generation of outsiders. KDN went to Stockholm to meet the king of glam and pop-provocation.
Danish liver pate [traditional Danish dish] is granted an audience with American caviar. I’m sitting in a brown hotel lobby in Stockholm across from the glam-idol Adam Lambert. Where I have forgotten to cut my nails and maybe am in need of a haircut, Adam looks like he just stepped out of one of his own music videos: Black lacquered nail, left ear pierced, rings on every other finger, black-coloured hair with a hint of brown, long high-collared leather jacket and a relaxed, high-pitched [not the perfect word: direct translation is light but meaning not deep] American accent to lean against.
“How is your head?” I ask, knowing that Adam the night before on his well-groomed Twitter profile had written the following: “How did I come down with a fever so fast? Oof, dizzy!”
“It feels a little empty today,” he says and smiles. “I really had a bad cold yesterday, and I’m fairly woozy today, but the fever is gone, so I’m sure it’ll be ok. Arrived three days ago and was supposed to promote my new album last night. But when I woke up from my afternoon nap, my head was just chaotic”.
It started with a mushroom trip
Chaos is a very good description of Adam Lambert’s first year in life [?] and on the pop stage. The 30-year-old pop star grew up in San Diego on the American west coast, 200 km south of glamorous Hollywood. San Diego was far from being friendly to showbiz and flappy wrists [sorry, couldn’t think of the appropriate translation – but means gay] and as a child he felt left out. “I didn’t have a lot of friends. I felt different, didn’t have anyone to reflect. There were no gay role models, and I was probably a little introverted. There was no one like me,” he says.
Later he found a community in a theatre group, which finally provided a place for ‘all of the weird kids’, and at the age of 21 he travelled the world with the musical ‘Hair’. He describes this time as pure ‘sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll’ and it was while tripping on mushrooms he, in 2008, decided to enter the world’s largest televised talent show, American Idol. Here he easily swept through the initial auditions and went all the way to the finale as the big favourite. Halfway through the show, pictures of Adam caught kissing a man surfaced and shock swept across the sexually scared USA. Could you let a gay guy win AI? You could not, and Adam received the fewest votes from viewers in the finale, and was beaten by the sexually more water-combed [meaning normal, or dare I say it; straight] Kris Allen (whom only a few outside the AI fan base know today). However, Adam’s talent was not to be denied. Shortly after the show he released his debut album ‘For Your Entertainment’, from which the single WWFM became a global monster hit. As the first AI-contestant he subsequently went on a large world tour and since then has not shied off pushing countless homophobic people’s boundaries for what one can get away with on stage.
A threat to decency
“When you perform you kiss your male bass player, simulate oral sex with the microphone and smoke joints on stage. I Malaysia you have even been proclaimed to be a threat to decency and harmful for the children. Do you like to be provocative?” I ask and make Adam laugh out loud.
“Yes, it’s amazing. Sometimes I do it on purpose as a political statement, but mostly I just can’t help it. It’s so easy. But it’s also part of the art. Art has to provoke and make you react. And it is ok if it is a little dangerous.”
He clears his throat and sits up straight in the chair: “I’m a little uncomfortable being proclaimed a role model. I’m not perfect. I’m just trying to live my life. I’m totally open about the fact that I’m gay, and if my being confident about that can help others, then it’s great.”
Loves Scandinavia
During my research I have had trouble finding articles about Adam where his sexuality has not been a topic.
“Have you ever given an interview, where you weren’t asked about being gay?”
The answer is prompt and is followed by a little thinking accompanied by a wrinkled brow.
“Maybe a couple of times … But … It is … yeah. You see, I have many fans who cannot deal with the fact that I’m gay. They really like my music, but then … Yes, it’s strange. It really shouldn’t matter. It should be a lot more like here in Scandinavia,” he says and smiles again.
I ask Adam if he remembers when he in November 2010 visited Store Vega [concert venue] in Copenhagen on his world tour. He looks like someone searching for a diplomatic answer.
“That tour might be a little fuzzy?” I help him out.
He smiles.
“Yes. Unfortunately I don’t remember so much. I’ve been so many places, but that whole part of the world …”
“Yes, people are so beautiful. They really are. It is something about their eyes. They have an energy that I really like.”
“You’re just saying that because you know I’m from DK and it would make your Danish fans happy”.
“Haha, no, no. I would really like to come here more and figure out what it is. Maybe it’s because you give each other more space. You don’t interfere so much in each other’s lives”.
Personal touch
Adam’s manager, Jocke, who during the interview nicely has kept to the background clears his throat and inform me that we have to finish. Adam has a long day of interviews ahead and has to have time to get a bit of lunch before the next team arrives.
Thus, I start in on the reason why the interview was arranged in the first place: Adam’s new album, ‘Trespassing’, which will be released in a moment. As opposed to the debut album, which was rapidly put together by pop stars like P!nk, Lady Gaga and Matthew Bellamy from Muse, Adam is supposed to have left more of his personal touch on this record.
“I have written most of the songs myself and have taken part in producing the album. It’s a lot more electronic and I have attempted to divide it into a dark and a light part. The light songs are sexy party tracks and the dark deal with everything that shows up when the party is over: grief, anxiety, insecurity. All of the hard stuff. All of us have good days and bad days”.
He enthusiastically talks about the song OOL, which deals with people’s problems with homosexuality and then shakes his head looking defeated. Adam is currently dating a Finnish reality star (yes, a man, ed.) and time and time again he realises that people think he has a flamboyant gay lifestyle.
Never going back in the closet
“You say that after you met your boyfriend you’ve become more boring and settled. That you’re just staying home in your Hollywood villa watching TV and eating popcorn. Is it the end of rock’n’roll and provocative liveshows?”
“Hahaha, yes I definitely feel more relaxed and I’m evolving constantly. But I can promise you that I will continue to express myself on stage to the extreme”.
Before Adam’s manager leads me out of the hotel room I realise that our entire talk about Adam’s problems with fans wishing he wasn’t gay has to have a nice finish, somehow. When the viewers ‘threw’ him off AI for being gay, he shortly after gave a big ‘Adam Lambert comes out of the closet’-cover interview to RSM.
“How would you like it if you go back in the closet in this interview? It would make for a cool ending and you would make a lot of girls happy?”
“I am not going back in the closer. Fuck no! Never, hahaha”.
[Black box about Queen]
Does not want to be the new Freddie Mercury
Last November AL performed with the legendary rock band Queen at MTV EMA in Belfast as replacement for his big idol, the late Freddie Mercury. Since then the rumours have said that Adam is supposed to be the band’s new, permanent lead singer. When Poplick asks about it he denies it.
“It was amazing to perform with them at the EMAs. Really, I am so honoured to be allowed to do that. It is something I’ve not even dared dream about, but we haven’t made any deals. Nobody can replace Freddie Mercury and I would never dare try. He was one of a kind. But it would be amazing to tour with his songs and we’ll probably try to do something about that in the future. But right now I want to make my own music”.
Käännös täältä.
Äänestä Better Than I Know Myself VH1 Top 20 Countdown listalle
"Would Adam rather trespass into Buckingham Palace or the White House?"
AdamOfficial sivulla on Do You Know Adam Better Than You Know Yourself? kysely. Ensimmäinen kysymys oli "Would Adam rather trespass into Buckingham Palace or the White House?" ja vastauksen löydät alta.
NME'n Dan Martin haastatteli Adamia
Adam Lambert - 'I'm Not Trying To Outdo Freddie Mercury'
When it was announced this week that former American Idol runner-up turned electro-glam peacock Adam Lambert would be fronting Queen at Sonisphere, the response was… fairly approving actually. Lambert has already proven himself as quite the able rock star, his pipes are undeniably impressive, and to be fair to him, he certainly embodies some of Freddie Mercury’s theatrical spirit.
And anyone who saw their trial run at the MTV EMAs last year will be able to testify that they pretty much pulled it off. If Queen really are going to continue in some form, there could be an awful lot worse choices. We caught up with Adam as the news broke, to see how he’s fitting into Freddie’s tight pants. He will not, he assures us, be growing a moustache...
So you are the new singer in Queen!
“Finally the cat’s out of the bag!"
You’ve played with them before, but how does it feel to be doing a full set?
“It’s a bigger undertaking for sure. I’m going tio learn a lot more music, rehearse with the band a little longer, but I’m excited! I’m excited to get in there and figure out what the setlist is. It’s gonna be a lot of work but it’s gonna be fucking great. I’m so excited!”
You’re standing in for possibly the greatest frontman ever…
“Yeah but you know, the way I look at it is I’m not trying too imitate him or outdo him or compete in any way, that’s not even in my mind at all, I think its really an honour to be asked to sing the music that the and the ban wrote and get up there and put on a good show. If people are too busy trying to compare they’re not going to enjoy the music.”
How are you psyching up?
“I haven’t gotten there yet. When we start crouching up to it a little bi more I’m gonna start feeling the pressure but I’m definietly starting to have the Queen playlist on repeat on my iPod for sure.”
What songs do you want to sing? And which ones don’t you?
“We really haven’t gotten there yet, I just was emailing Brian a week or two ago and I was asking him, ‘What’s the setlist gonna be?’ It’s gonna be a team decision, obviously Brian and Roger are the boss, so whatever they wanna do I’m up for, I’m just happy to be there.”
That’s no answer! Which are your favourites?
“I’m really excited to perform ‘Another One Bites The Dust, that’s one of my favourites. I’m interested to see if we’ll be doing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and whatever capacity it is, it’s quite a vocal undertaking with all the parts, so I don’t know if they’re gonna be other vocalists onstage or what. That’ll be pretty intense, to see how we approach that one.”
How did they tackle that before, I wonder?
“I think the guys sang back up obviously the recorded the backgrounds in the studio, they multi-tracked everything so much that I wonder if they’re gonna consider bringing in background singers to give it the kind of energy that the record has. I don’t know, I’m just excited to get to fly to the UK and rehearse with Queen.”
How did the conversations leading up to this go?
“When we did the EMAs it was just a lovely experience, it was smooth as silk, I walked in, we did an afternoon rehearsal, pretty much nailed it and felt really good about it, did a soundcheck the next day and then it was the EMAs. We were talking after and I said, ‘You know, anytime you guys have anything, I’d love to sing with you again, and it felt mutual, I think the seed was planted there.”
Did you need any persuasion or were you like, ‘you had me at Hello’?
“The minute the offer was extended I jumped at the chance. But one of the things that was said was, ‘He’s gonna be the permanent frontman of Queen'. And although that would be a beautiful experience, the tricky thing this year for me is I also have my album coming out, ‘Trespassing’, and that’s gonna take a lot of work and time and energy. So it’s really a one-off experience with the band, and I’m really excited for it. But I’m not joining the band and touring with them.”
Are you familiar with the British heavy metal scene? Even Queen is quite an out there booking for Sonisphere
“Well Kiss is the other headliner, and Faith No More. I think they’re doing a nostalgic classic rock look for the festival and I think that’s fantastic. Hey, I sang a Metallica song on my tour two years ago in New Zealand. I did ‘Enter Sandman’, it was really fun. But I think it’s funny the way genre is trapped on to certain artists and it’s treated like some boundary that you can’t cross or redefine and it’s kind of silly."
Are you familiar with bottling?
“No, I apologise, I’m not that familiar with the festival.”
It’s when metal fans don’t like you and they throw bottles filled with urine at the stage.
And they shout ‘You Fat Bastard’Oh great! Well I’ll be sure to wear something that protects my helmet. I wear a helmet on stage, maybe that would be a good fashion statement.
“Well it’s possible! Heheh, the way I look at is I want to get up there to sing great sings for people who want to hear them. I deal with a lot of pressure here with my career in the States on Idol there was a lot of pressure and now with my second album, I’m used to pressure so at this point I’m going to focus on the positive reactions and ignore the negative ones.”
What do you say to people who reckon the Queen legacy should be left alone?
“That’s really up to Brian and Roger, it’s their band. I think that at this point the feel what they’re doing is appropriate and it's their prerogative. If someone feels like their legacy should be left alone then they're missing out on a great concert, that’s the bottom line, the guys write great music and they’re playing it for fans that still wanna hear it. It’s their band! It’s their business.”
Can you really call this Queen without John Deacon involved?
“Again that’s not my place to say, that’s Mr Deacon’s business, it’s not mine. Of course having the original bass player there would be amazing, don’t get me wrong , but that’s just not the situation. I don’t mean to sound defensive and I totally understand and respect that opinion. But that’s no fun!”
Do you think it can ever work as well with a new singer?
“It’s just different. Nothing is gonna beat the original, no-one’s ever going to be better than Freddie Mercury, never. But I don’t think that’s the point, I don’t think it’s a competition, it’s about music and it's about making people feel something, it’s not about beating out the original.”
How are you going to channel Freddie? Are you studying the DVDs?
“I’m definitely listening to the vocal parts and I have been doing research, I’ve been watching things, but it’s very important for me as an artist for my own integrity to make sure I’m being myself onstage. I have no intention of mimicking or copying or… I feel like that would be insulting to the fans and to the band to get up there and try to copy Mr Mercury. It’s a very delicate situation and I wanna treat it with with the utmost respect. For me it’s about trying to understand his initial intention vocally and musically, and pay respect to that. With the help of Brian and Roger I think that would be easier for me to accomplish.”
The other hot rumour about a future for is a tour with Lady Gaga. Is there anything in that?
Have you thought about your moves? And your outfit?I know nothing about it, I did hear something about her mixed with the band’s name. I’m a huge fan, I think she’s fabulous but I don’t know about any collaboration. I think she’s a busy lady! I don’t know if she’s got time on her schedule. If she wants to come onstage and sing, I’d be down!
“Moves? For me unless it’s a sequence with actual dancers I don’t really plan that shit. I feel like my moves are pretty organic, it just kind of comes. And what to wear, I haven’t figured it out yet, I’ve been thinking about working with a designer to create something original and special for the night. Something that’s just theatrical enough but just cool enough.” Adam Lambert - 'I'm Not Trying To Outdo Freddie Mercury'
IS-Tutka: Nyt tuli riita siitä, kumpi voittaa putouksen!
IS-Tutka: Nyt tuli riita siitä, kumpi voittaa putouksen!
Sauli ja Katri ovat keskenään eri linjoilla siitä, kumman pitäisi voittaa lauantaina nähtävä Putous-finaali: Leena Hefnerin vai Usko Eevertti Luttisen.
Kummatkin ovat kisassa aika vahvoilla, joten taistosta tulee tiukka.
Katri ja Sauli pohtivat myös sitä, onko oikein, jos Aku Hirviniemi voittaisi kisan jälleen kerran.
Tämänkertaisessa Tutkassa kerrotaan totuuksia myös Voice of Finlandista ja Saara Aallon habituksesta.
Ensi viikolla jatketaan Idolsin finalistien analysoinnilla ja Oscar-gaalalla. Lisäksi Sauli lupaa katsojille yllätyksen.
IS-Tutka: Ruotsi sai ihanan prinsessan!
IS-Tutka: Ruotsi sai ihanan prinsessan!
Sauli Koskinen ja Katri Utula hehkuttavat prinssi Danielin herkkää esiintymistä aamun tiedotustilaisuudessa.
Tutkassa käydään läpi myös Amerikan-kuulumisia ja Katri analysoi Idolsin TOP 15 -kilpailijat, joiden esitykset hän kuuli eilen livenä.
Tutka jatkuu huomenna perjantaina Putouksen finaalin ja Voice of Finlandin merkeissä.
The Point Sound Stage haastattelu ja esiintyminen (viralliset videot)
Whataya Want From Me
Better Than I Know Myself
Whataya Want From Me
Better Than I Know Myself
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